Clinic Life Not For You?
How to Diversify Your Income as a Veterinary Professional
By Dr. Megan Kelly
woman on laptop in kitchen

or a lot of us, becoming a veterinarian was a calling; something we always knew we wanted to do. We had this idea of what a vet’s life would be like—helping animals all day long, of course. We barely thought about the hours, the admin, the business side or the time spent away from family.

Fast forward 15 years after qualifying, married with a family, and the choices we made when we were younger don’t always fit into our lifestyles anymore. We still want to help animals—but we are swamped! We can barely manage to meet one set of demands on our attention, never mind all the others.

When my three kids were little, I was determined this would not be me. I wanted to be present for my children; to attend those midweek sports days and galas; to be there when they were doing homework, needed a lift or wanted to chat. Yet I still wanted to earn an income.

Eventually, I found a way to use my professional knowledge while working flexible hours from home. It can be done, and without financial sacrifice! Anyone with professional skills can do it, simply by packaging their skills for an online world.

A New World of Work
Most professions now allow for some way of earning an income while working online from home, whether through consulting for an online company or running your own business. But for vets, what are the options?

The most obvious first option is teleconsulting. Companies have sprung up all over the world offering online consultations. Vets consult for them, making themselves available for shifts during the day or night. It’s the closest you are going to get to consulting from the comfort of your home. This is especially valuable to vets who have mobility issues or health problems which prevent them from being able to operate and handle animals.

Then there’s the option I took: running your own online animal-related business. This is where I found my niche, and I now have several income streams from the online courses, conferences and membership groups I run, plus product affiliations (and I only affiliate with products I believe in).

How I Got Started
Getting to where I am now started with the realization that I had pretty much hit the ceiling as far as earning potential for a vet goes. There are only so many hours in a day in which you can work! It made sense to have something on the side. So, I began exploring options.
I dabbled in creating my own product line of harnesses for dogs, built an online shop, imported specialist veterinary rehabilitation products, and even rented out wheelchairs for dogs. All of these businesses were stepping stones that got me one step closer to my goal.

My ceiling for earning potential rose drastically. The sideline businesses took up a lot of time at first, but eventually I could employ people to run them and, unlike my veterinary practice, they didn’t always need me. But I was looking for a business that allowed me to be completely flexible; I wanted to work from home, but also from anywhere in the world. As a family we love to travel, so this flexibility was important to me.

The idea of starting a different kind of online business arose when I recognized a real need among my clients, some of whom were driving three to four hours to see me for animal rehabilitation. What they wanted was information and basic skills—something they could use to help their dogs between visits. So, I developed an online, 12-week course designed for arthritic dogs. It gave owners a schedule of basic therapeutic exercises that would strengthen muscles, correct compensation issues and drastically improve their dog’s quality of life.

Pet owners from all over the world began buying my online course. I was worried that I would miss the one-on-one contact, but helping people online was just as rewarding, if not more so. I was suddenly able to have a positive impact on so many more pets than I could ever have physically treated with my own hands.

The best part about creating an online course is that, after the initial hard work of developing and marketing, your income becomes more passive. Your earning potential has no ceiling and you are able to work when it suits you.

Today I have a number-one online businesses, work four to five hours a day, four days a week, from anywhere I happen to be. I fetch my kids from school, take them horseback riding and never miss a gala or sports day.

The online world of business for animal professionals holds huge potential—and there is room for many more of us. Why not diversify your income?

Here are some ideas to get you started:
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1. Telemedicine.
Working as a consultant online allows you to work from home flexibly. You may need to work night shifts, weekends and holidays, but the flexibility is worth it for some.
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2. Write an e-book or PDF and sell it online.
This could be a six-pager or a full-length exploration of a topic sold on Amazon—either way, an e-book is a great way to start earning passive income. Put in the initial work and reap the benefits from royalties on sales forever.
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3. Start a podcast.
It takes a while before you can monetize a podcast, but if you have a great topic and an engaging style, your following will grow quickly. The bigger your following, the more you can earn through monetizing.
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4. Become an affiliate.
Many of the products you already mention on your podcast might have referral systems in place. And you can also plug these into your emails and social media bios. I earn affiliate commissions on a monthly basis and it’s always a nice surprise to receive that income.
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5. Create an online course.
Selling your knowledge online has never been easier. Everyone has something to share, and if you have a solution to someone’s problem, they will be prepared to pay you for it. Online courses usually consist of video training, worksheets and information sheets.
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6. Build a membership group.
Membership models are great because they are based on subscription fees. With these, you always know how much money to expect each month. It’s a reassuring way of running a business because, once you’re at the profit-making stage, you can focus on serving your members, constantly adding value in one way or another.

We’re professionals, but that does not preclude being astute business people, too! As digital processes move more and more into the world of work, we need to ride that wave to our own advantage. There is really no limit to our earning potential if we think creatively and learn a few good tech skills (which can easily be learned online).

I hope these ideas have inspired you to diversify your income while benefitting more animals!

Dr. Megan Kelly headshot with dog
Dr. Megan Kelly has been a veterinarian for 19 years. After completing a Post Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Rehabilitation at the University of Tennessee, she opened her own practice, Holisticvet, in Diep River, Cape Town. In 2014 she decided to take a sabbatical from practising and has since been swept up into the online world of veterinary education. She owns and runs Onlinepethealth, an international continuing education site for veterinary rehabilitation therapists. Every day she pushes the boundaries on what is considered the norm for professional education, creating, innovating, and providing solutions and outstanding customer experiences through webinars and online conferences for vets and veterinary rehabilitation therapists.